Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Dresses and Hope

This picture was taken today- it is truly an amazing picture! For first Adey wanted to put on the dress, second she let Jessica put it on, third she held the doll, and finally she posed for the picture! To be honest when we first found out we were having twins I imagined many, many more pictures like this. I mean who thinks-who wants to ever think- they will have a child who doesn't follow the usual learning/growing/development curve. I certainly never considered it.

Because Adey is who she is she, usually she can not tolerate all of the sensory input and processing required to play dress up (or hell- there for a while it was getting dressed at all). Last year she actually stopped refusing to hold hands with Jessica and I, this year she will actively reach for our hands; last year it was a nightly torture chore to brush her teeth, this year she will actually open her mouth to have her teeth brushed.  We are starting to see some of these issues melt away. For a LONG time Adey would refuse to hold an object in each hand. So even the fact that she is holding a small ball and the doll in the picture is a huge success. 

I went from being in a position of never thinking my child would have a disability, to considering she may never even be able to sit still to listen to a book or play with her sister... and now this picture, this moment in time. This picture gives truth to the hope given to me.

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