Wednesday, August 28, 2013

19 Month Life Change Update...And Snot

The top picture is from Thanksgiving 2011. It is hard to believe it was that recent.  As I look back on that picture I realize so many things. For one, my wife is beautiful in every way, no matter what her weight is, but I see a brightness in her eyes in the most recent picture (from today) that wasn't there in November 2011.  It isn't like we were unhappy with life then but we were unhappy with ourselves.  Maybe it is the light in the picture today, but even in person she looks healthier- skin is brighter, mood is more uplifted, and a spark in here eyes.  I sometimes forget about the people from the top picture and I think it is important for me to actively remember them-remember the old me.  Remembering reminds me of the accomplishment- the effort, the dedication, the hard freaking work I have given over the last 18+ months and all of the sacrifice my wife has given me to support me in my efforts.  It is truly amazing. And it reminds me of all the same things in relation to what Jessica has done for herself. And then it brings me back to our family- the huge impact it has had on us as a couple and as parents.  We are an active couple, we are active parents. I know I wont have to worry about being able to keep up with my nearly teen aged daughter- I'm more worried she wont keep up with me!

I'm still trying to figure out how we did it. How we managed to stick it through when we had both failed so many times in the past (both as a couple and independently). I've got some ideas and I'm thinking on it more for a blog post sometime soon.  The best part of all of this is that our journey isn't over!

And then there is snot. Miss Adey Cakes has a cold. Devanne and Jocey haven't caught it yet, but poor Adey has a faucet of a nose and a little cough. She however had a mild temp last night and had no seizures! That is real deal awesomeness right there. Her first terrible, horrific seizure at 7 months was with a very low grade temp 100.3. So, we tend to worry even at the low grade.  But she has been a trooper so far with getting her nose wiped constantly, except the sleeping part. She woke up at 4am when Jocey needed to use the potty, then again at 5:15 (just cuz) and would not go back to sleep. I think it might have been her nose...

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