Sunday, August 11, 2013

Family Juicing

We have changed so many food habits in the past few years that it is hard to explain it all;  but since becoming a  gluten  free  family,  the  changes have become  even  more  healthy  and  natural.  In the  last  month,  we have been  focusing  on natural,  organic lean  meats,  Organic  fruits,  and  organic  vegetables.  This is a huge change  from  our  healthier  but  highly  processed  diet.  Whereas  before  we focused  on  whole  wheat  breads,  noodles,  and  quick (and cheap)  additions to meals  such as  canned  vegetables and fruits,   now  we are  doing  more  fresh, all natural foods. Summertime in the Northwest enables us to do this easily and not much more expensive. We have been hitting  up  natural  food  stores,  farmers  markets, roadside stands, and searching the outside aisles of our local grocery stores for yummy meals. One of the biggest challenges of having 3 year olds and a 12 year old is getting in the amount of veggies and fruits need especially when we are cutting out the highly processed crackers and grains they were having for additions to meals. Additionally, our naturopath and neurologist  suggested a whole list  of supplements (a whole other post!)  to add to Adeys  diet  in order  to  reduce  inflammation  from  gluten  and regulate  her  poor  digestive  system.  All  these  things  have  led  us  to  making  daily smoothies  for a  replacement  to their past afternoon  snack.  For the last  two  weeks,  we have been mixing protein,  complex carbs, fats, and supplements  into a  yummy  smoothie that all three  kids have  been  enjoying.  Low fat, organic milk, greek  yogurt,  protein  powders,  bananas,  frozen  blueberries,  spinach, kale,  tomatoes,  coconut  oil,  fish  oil,  and  pr obiotics  are  just a  few  things  we have  been  experimenting  with. Miss Adey  hasbasically  l oved  each  and  every  concoction  while it's  been  more  hit and  miss  with Devanne and Jocey. While we have noticed a huge improvement in Adeycakes, we have noticed that her tummy seems to be a bit distended still which makes us think that all the dairy she is consuming could be contributing to the inflammation. So starting this week, we will be experimenting with a little dairy diet for her. We arent going to be very strict. She will still have little amounts of organic cheese, just because she doesnt eat much in the first place but we are going to switch out the greek yogurt and milk for almond milk. She doesnt mind, so hopefully we will see an improvement.

Ever since Josh and I watched the documentary, "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead"  we have  been  discussing  how  juicing  can  become  part  of our  lifestyle.  We  have a  pretty  strict grocery  budget and I always  felt  that it would  be way  to  expensive  to even  consider. After seeing how much the kids enjoyed the smoothies and considering how dairy may be affecting Adey, we decided to give it a try. After borrowing a juicer from our amazing friends, Holly and Josh and taking a very expensive grocery shopping trip, we attempted our first family juicing event today. All the kids joined in and we juiced a combo of  cucumber,  celery,  tomatoes,  apples, plums,  kale,  beets,  carrots, and lemons. Adey was in hog heaven! She drank an entire  sippie  cup  in about 5  seconds  flat.  Jocey  took a bit  more  convincing  but after giving her a spiffie straw,  she drank  her while  glass  too!  While our weekly  grocery  shopping  trip  was about $100  more  than  what  we have  been  spending, I  did  not expect  the  produce  to go  so far. We still  have a  ton  left  and we juiced an entire  pitcher  for the  next  couple  of days.  I  think after I do  some research,  I'll be able  to find some  cheaper  juicing  options.  Overall,  it went  great  and were  excited  to  see  what  the  non  dairy,  raw  juice  will  do for Adey (and the rest of us!)  during our  next  two  week  trial.

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